Answer :


Rate of variation of current = 0.01 A s–1.

No of turns/m (n) = 2000

Radius(r) = 6 cm = 0.06 m

Formula used:

(a) Radius of circle(r’) = 1 cm = 0.01 m

Time(t) = 2 s

For two seconds, change of current = (2 x 0.01 A.) = 0.02 A

Magnetic flux , where B = magnetic field, A = area

Area of circle

Magnetic field of a solenoid , where μ0 = magnetic permeability of vacuum, n = number of turns per unit length, Δi = change in current

Hence, flux =


Hence, in 1 second = Wb (Ans)

(b) = , where E = electric field, dr = line element, E’ = emf, = flux, t = time

Hence, in this case, this becomes

, where r = radius of circle


(c) For the point located outside,


= flux, t = time, μ0 = magnetic permeability of vacuum, n = number of turns per unit length, di/dt = rate of change in current

, where E = electric field, r = radius of circle(since )


Vm-1 (Ans)

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