Q. 6 E3.5( 2 Votes )

Paragraph Questio

Answer :

Precipitation refers to the downfall of water in either solid or liquid form on the surface of the earth.

The various forms of precipitation include:

1. Drizzle:

These are uniform minute droplets of water with a diameter of less than 0.5 mm.

2. Rain:

It is the most common and important form of precipitation. It occurs only when there is abundant moisture in the air. The diameter of a raindrop is more than 5mm.

3. Sleet:

It is precipitation in the form of pellets made up of transparent and translucent ice. It is a mixture of snow and ice.

4. Snow: It is formed when the temperature is below the freezing point. It is the precipitation of opaque and semi-opaque ice crystals.

5. Hails:

These are small hard balls of ice that fall from the sky.

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