NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science

NCERT Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science made available by Gradeup school have been prepared by experienced science teachers. Our NCERT Class 7 Science Solutions cover all the questions that are present in Class 7 Science textbook. With the help of NCERT Science Solutions for Class 7, students can clear all their doubts with ease and understand complex concepts quickly. These solutions are made available for each chapter and exercise in the book which you can access for free of cost.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science play a crucial role in enabling students to prepare for the subject in a thorough manner. So, if you face any problem in finding the correct solution for a specific question in the science book, then you can prefer NCERT Class 7 Science Textbook. NCERT Science book Class 7 Solutions have been prepared in sync with science syllabus provided by CBSE. 

NCERT Class 7 Science Solutions - All Chapters

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Class 7th
There is a total of 18 chapters in the 7th Class Science book published by the NCERT. Each chapter comprises of different types of questions having varying difficulty levels. Solving these questions with the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science can help you learn new techniques of solving questions and perform better in the exam.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science (Chapter-wise Description)

Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants

Introduction: In the previous class, you studied that food is essential for the survival of living organisms. There are five important components of food, including carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, and vitamins. These are called nutrients and provide energy to our body for carrying out daily tasks. 

In this chapter, you will learn to differentiate between autotrophs, heterotrophs, and saprotrophs. Among living organisms, only plants can prepare their food with the help of chlorophyll present in their leaves in the presence of sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis. 

Such green-plants are called autotrophs and perform autotrophic nutrition, i.e. self-nourishment. Animals and human beings are heterotrophs as they are dependent on plants for nourishment. 

Next, you will revisit the topic “role of nitrogen in the atmosphere”, which will remind you how nitrogen is useful for plants and how it is fixed into our surroundings by bacteria. 

The third mode of nutrition, saprotrophic nutrition, is performed by microorganisms (bacteria) and scavengers (Eagle, Vulture etc.). These organisms consume dead and decaying matter for their survival. Having learnt all the topics, you can proceed with NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter-1 question-answers. 

List of Topics in “Nutrition in Plants”

  1. Mode of Nutrition in Plants
  2. Photosynthesis- Food Making Process in Plants
  3. Heterotrophic and Saprotrophic Mode of Nutrition
  4. Saprotrophs
  5. Replenishment of Nutrients into the Soil

Chapter 2: Nutrition in Animals

Introduction: Having learnt how plants and animals get nourishment, you will now study different ways of taking food. Recall that plants can prepare their food by themselves due to the presence of green-pigment called chlorophyll. Animals and human beings, on the other hand, are dependent on plants and their products for nutrition. 

Organisms which feed on green plants are called herbivores. For example- goats, giraffes, elephants, etc. Carnivores are meat-eating animals, which includes Tiger, Lion, Python, Alligator, to name a few. Human beings can be classified under omnivores as they prefer eating both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. 

Further, in this chapter, you will learn the activities that take place during digestion. The process of digestion starts in the mouth and buccal cavity. When we ingest food, teeth break it down into small pieces while saliva helps in mixing it up. After you swallow the food, it passes down the oesophagus (food pipe) and enters the stomach. 

The inner lining of our stomach is responsible for the secretion of digestive juices, hydrochloric acid, and mucus. Later in this chapter, you will find out what happens when food passes through the small intestine and large intestine. 

List of Topics in “Nutrition in Animals”

  1. Different Ways of Taking Food
  2. Digestion in Humans
  3. Digestion in Grass-Eating Animals
  4. Feeding and Digestion in Amoeba

Chapter 3: Fibre to Fabric

Introduction: In chapter-3 of NCERT Class 7 Science, you will find out how natural fibres are converted into the woollen or silk yarns. Further, you will learn the process of conversion of yarns into fabrics. You are well-known about the fact that wool is obtained from goat, sheep, yak etc. In particular, silk is obtained from silkworms. 

You are already familiar that sheep are reared for the production of wool. Other sources for the production of wool are the hair of alpaca, camel, and llama. First, sheep’s hair are removed from its body and then washed properly. Following the process of scouring, hair are sorted, dried and dyed. Finally, they are spun and woven into wool fibres. 

For the production of silk, silkworms spin cocoons of silk fibres. The process in which silk is made by the rearing of silkworms is called sericulture. During rearing of silkworms, the eggs of silk moth are first kept under favorable conditions. 

Larvae are fed day and night, which grow enormously in size. After 25 to 30 days, they are transferred to a chamber of bamboo to spin cocoons. To study the entire process of production of the silkworm, you may refer to our NCERT Solutions. 

List of Topics in “Fibre to Fabric”

  1. Wool
    1. Animal Fibres- Wool and Silk
    2. Animals that Yield Wool
    3. From Fibres to Wool
    4. Processing Fibres into Wool
  2. Silk
    1. Life History of Silk Moth
    2. From Cocoon to Silk

Chapter 4: Heat

Introduction: Woolen clothes provide us with warmth during cold conditions. Cotton clothes are suitable to wear in the hot climate as you feel lighter and cooler when you wear them.

During winters, we feel cold due to a dip in temperature even inside our house. Whereas when we move out in the sun, we start feeling warm. In summers, you feel hot inside as well as outside the house. 

How do you come to know whether an object is hot or cold? How do you find out how hot or cold an object is? Find out yourself by reading NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter-4 and seek answers to some of these questions. 

You can measure the extent of hotness of an object by its temperature. Clinical and laboratory thermometers are widely used for measuring body temperature and the temperature of solutions in laboratories, respectively. A clinical thermometer can measure the temperature of an object within the range of 35 °C and 42 °C. 

When we supply heat to an object, heat travels from the point of higher temperature to the point of lower temperature. The passage of heat takes place in three different ways, namely conduction, convection, and radiation. Finally, you will study the major differences between conductors and insulators, along with their examples. 

List of Topics in “Heat”

  1. Hot and Cold
  2. Measuring Temperature
  3. Laboratory Thermometer
  4. Transfer of Heat
  5. Kinds of Clothes Worn in Summer and Winter
  6. How Woolen Clothes Keep us Warm in Winter?

Chapter 5: Acids, Bases and Salts

Introduction: As you have studied in chapter-2, the taste buds present on our tongue help us sense whether a food item is salty, bitter, sweet or sour. Substances that are sour in taste are called acids.

To determine whether a substance is basic in nature, it should be bitter in taste. Baking soda and soap are two examples of basic substances. However, you cannot taste every substance. For this purpose, natural indicators such as China rose petals, litmus, and Turmeric can come to use. 

How do these natural indicators detect the acidity or basicity of a substance? These indicators on exposure with acids and bases change their color. Another natural indicator called litmus is collected from lichens. It appears purple colour in distilled water. 

A litmus paper turns red when it is dipped into an acidic solution, whereas it turns blue when it is put inside a basic solution. Litmus undergoes no change when it is exposed to a neutral solution. 

A neutral solution can be prepared by mixing an acidic solution with the basic one. This process is called neutralization. This chemical reaction leads to the formation of a new substance called salt. Water is also produced as a byproduct with the evolution of heat.   

List of Topics in “Acids, Bases and Salts”

  1. Acids and Bases
  2. Natural Indicators Around Us
    1. Litmus: A Natural Dye
    2. Turmeric: A Natural Indicator
    3. China Rose an Indicator
  3. Neutralization
  4. Neutralization in Everyday Life
    1. Indigestion
    2. Ant Bite
    3. Soil Treatment
    4. Factory Wastes

Chapter 6: Physical and Chemical Changes

Introduction: In your day-to-day routine, you must have experienced various changes around you. When you stretch a rubber band, it changes its shape. Ingredients such as salt and sugar added to lemonade also represent a change. This chapter will introduce you to various physical and chemical changes. 

Stretching of a rubber band is a physical change while preparation of lemonade is called a chemical change. When you notice a change in colour, shape, size, and state of a substance, it is known as a physical change. In the case of physical change, no new substance is formed. Thus, it is reversible in nature. 

A chemical change, on the other hand, is characterized by the formation of new substances. Rusting of iron is another example of chemical change. Iron undergoes rusting when in exposure to both oxygen and water. To prevent iron from rust, you can coat an iron article with a layer of chromium or zinc. This process is known as galvanization. 

Finally, you will study the process of crystallisation in which you learn to extract large crystals of pure substances from an impure solution.  

List of Topics in “Physical and Chemical Changes”

  1. Physical Changes
  2. Chemical Changes
  3. Rusting of Iron
  4. Crystallization

Chapter 7: Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate

Introduction: The seventh chapter of NCERT Class 7 Science textbook discusses varying climatic conditions at different places. The climate of a place is determined by looking at its weather pattern over the last 25 years. 

The Meteorological Department of Government is responsible for predicting the day-to-day weather conditions. This daily weather report covers the factors affecting the weather, which includes humidity, rainfall, temperature, wind-speed, etc. The weather of a place refers to the everyday conditions of the atmosphere at a place with respect to the factors mentioned above. 

Recall chapter-9 of NCERT Class 6 Science, you have read that animals are able to survive under favorable conditions. In the case of extreme hot or cold climate, they must have inherited or developed special features. Otherwise, they will not be able to survive in such a climate for long.  

A polar bear lives in extremely cold regions. It is adapted to survive in polar regions due to the presence of a layer of fat under its skin. Besides, it has long curved and sharp claws that enable it to move on ice. Next, you will study the animals that are adapted to live in tropical rainforests such as red-eyed frog, Indian elephant, etc. 

List of Topics in “Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate”

  1. Weather,Climate and Adaptation
  2. Climate
  3. Climate and Adaptation
    1. The Polar Regions
    2. The Tropical Rain Forests

Chapter 8: Winds, Storms and Cyclones

Introduction: Air, water and food are the three important necessities for the survival of living organisms. When air moves in a particular direction, it is called the wind. The normal wind speed ranges between 10 km/hr and 20 km/hr. 

What happens if the speed of the wind exceeds this limit and moves at an alarming rate? Get an answer to this question and many more by reading NCERT Class 7 Science chapter-8. Let us first understand how air exerts pressure by taking an example of a tin half-filled with water. 

On heating the can and then pouring fresh-water over it, you will observe a change in its shape, which brings you to the conclusion that air exerts pressure. Next, you will come across experiments that will discuss how increased wind speed is accompanied by reduced air pressure. Air moves from the region of high pressure to the region of low pressure. 

Having mentioned about the wind blowing at a devastating rate earlier, you will next understand how cyclones are formed. Strong winds push water towards the shore, which results in the formation of water waves. A cyclone accompanied by heavy rainfall may also lead to floods. 

List of Topics in “Winds, Storms and Cyclones”

  1. Air Exerts Pressure
  2. High Speed Winds Accompanied by Reduced Air Pressure
  3. Expansion of Air on Heating
  4. Generation of Wind Currents due to Uneven Heating on our Planet
    1. Uneven Heating between the Equator and the Poles
    2. Uneven Heating of Land and Water
  5. Thunderstorms and Cyclones
    1. How a Thunderstorm becomes a Cyclone
  6. Destruction caused by Cyclones
  7. Effective Safety Measures

Chapter 9: Soil 

Introduction: In the previous edition of NCERT Science textbook, we have already discussed that soil is a renewable natural resource. Living organisms such as plants obtain all nutrients and water from the soil. In addition to it, the soil is home to many animals and microorganisms. 

In chapter-9 of NCERT Class 7 Science textbook, you will first study the soil profile comprising five distinct layers. The top-most layer of the soil is humus, which consists of rotting dead matter. The dead rotting leaves or animals float on water, which is the second layer from the top. Clay, sand and gravel are the third, fourth and fifth layer respectively. 

A-horizon, also known as the topsoil, is characterized by the soft and porous appearance. The uppermost layer of the soil profile is dark in colour, but rich in humus and minerals. This horizon/layer is home to many organisms, including beetles, moles, rodents, and worms. 

The middle-layer, widely known as the B-horizon, is rich in minerals and hard in appearance. The third layer, which is the third-layer, consists of small pieces of rocks with cracks and narrow openings. At the bottom of the soil profile is the bedrock, which is hard and difficult to dig. 

Soil is formed by nature’s action of mixing pieces of rocks and humus. Based on the proportion of particles of different sizes, soil can be classified into clayey, loamy, and sandy. Loamy soil is the best topsoil for growing crops because of its humus content and optimum water holding capacity. 

List of Topics in “Soil ”

  1. Soil Teeming with Life
  2. Soil Profile
  3. Soil Types
  4. Properties of Soil
  5. Moisture in Soil
  6. Absorption of Water by Soil
  7. Soil and Crops

Chapter 10: Respiration in Organisms

Introduction: Recall the structure and functions of a cell from chapter-2, different cells in our body perform different functions. This type of allotment is called the division of labour. The opening topic of chapter-10 will brief you about the process of respiration. Further, you will study the basic differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. 

Energy obtained from food is stored in the cell, which is then utilised for carrying out the process of respiration. In other words, when food particles are broken down into simpler substances inside the cell, energy is released out. 

When glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water in the presence of oxygen, it is called aerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration, on the other hand, involves the breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen.

When we talk about breathing, taking in oxygen-rich air is known as inhalation and releasing out carbon dioxide-rich air is known as exhalation. You can determine the breathing rate of a person by calculating the number of breaths in a minute. You count one breath as one inhalation and exhalation. 

In NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter-10 Solutions, you will also find questions asking you to tell the name of organs for respiration in other animals. 

List of Topics in “Respiration in Organisms”

  1. Why do we Respire?
  2. Breathing
  3. The Process of Breathing
  4. Why Do We Exhale (Breathe Out)?
  5. Breathing in Other Animals
  6. Breathing under the Water
  7. Respiration in Plants

Chapter 11: Transportation in Animals and Plants

Introduction: In chapter-11 “Transportation in Animals and Plants”, you will read how different substances such as food particles, gases and water molecules are transported throughout the body. The transportation of all these substances is carried out by the circulatory system. Blood is the medium of transportation in human beings. 

During the process of digestion, blood carries the digested food from the small intestine to the other parts of the body. Apart from it, blood also helps in gaseous exchange by carrying oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body. 

Blood vessels can be categorized into two types- arteries and veins. When we inhale, a fresh supply of oxygen fills the lungs. Arteries are responsible for carrying the oxygen-rich blood from the heart to all parts of the body. In contrast, veins collect carbon dioxide-rich blood from all the parts of the body and carry it towards the lungs. 

Capillaries are a different class of blood vessels that forms a connection of veins and arteries with tissues. The heart plays the role of a pump for transporting nutrients and gases through the blood. It has four chambers, two upper chambers called atria and two lower chambers ventricles. This prevents the intermixing of oxygen-rich and carbon dioxide-rich blood.  

List of Topics in “Transportation in Animals and Plants”

  1. Circulatory System
    1. Blood
    2. Blood Vessels
    3. Heart
    4. Heartbeat
  2. Excretion in Animals
    1. Excretory System in Humans
  3. Transport of Substances in Plants
    1. Transport of Water and Minerals
    2. Transpiration

Chapter 12: Reproduction in Plants

Introduction: In the previous edition of NCERT Science, you have learnt that living organisms need to reproduce for the continuation of their species. When a single parent is involved in producing new individuals, it is known as asexual reproduction. Different plants reproduce asexually through different ways which you shall read in this chapter. 

When new individuals develop from existing parts of the plant such as roots, stems and leaves, then it is called vegetative propagation. These are called the vegetative parts of a plant. However, there are no variations in the case of the asexual mode of reproduction as new individuals are identical copies of each other. 

Plants having flowers can reproduce through the sexual mode of reproduction. Flowers are called the reproductive parts. Sexual reproduction ensures variations from one generation to another as both the parents are involved. 

Other modes of asexual reproduction include budding, fragmentation, and spore formation. The exercise questions at the end of NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter-12 will test your knowledge based on the following topics.     

List of Topics in “Reproduction in Plants”

  1. Modes of Reproduction
    1. Asexual Reproduction
    2. Vegetative Propagation
    3. Budding
    4. Fragmentation
    5. Spore Formation
  2. Sexual Reproduction
    1. Pollination
    2. Fertilization
  3. Fruits and Seed Formation
  4. Seed Dispersal

Chapter 13: Motion and Time

Introduction: This year, you will be able to understand two types of motion- linear and periodic motion in depth by considering the motion of an object in a straight line and that of pendulum, respectively. 

 To determine how fast the object is moving, we need to calculate its speed. Speed is the ratio of the total distance covered by an object to the total time taken by it. When an object travels equal distances in equal intervals of time, it is said to have uniform motion. 

An object moving with non-uniform motion travel unequal distances in equal intervals of time. The second type of motion, periodic motion can be explained by taking an example of a simple pendulum. A pendulum moves to and fro to complete one oscillation, which is called its time period. 

In the latter half of this chapter, you will study the devices for measuring speed and distance. The speedometer is used to record the speed directly in km/hr. On the other hand, odometer installed in a vehicle is used for measuring the distance travelled by it. 

On concluding with NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter-13, you will find questions related to the concepts mentioned below. 

List of Topics in “Motion and Time”

  1. Slow or Fast
  2. Speed
  3. Measurement of Time
    1. Units of Time and Speed
  4. Measuring Speed
  5. Distance-Time Graph

Chapter 14: Electric Current and Its Effects

Introduction: The first topic of NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter-14 illustrates symbols for some electric circuit components. To begin with, the long line of the electric cell in a circuit represents its positive terminal. The thicker and shorter line illustrates the negative terminal of a cell. 

Next, there are symbols for ‘Switch ON’ and ‘Switch OFF’ position represented by closed circuit and open circuit respectively. Wires are used to connect components of an electric cell with one another. These are drawn in the form of lines. 

When it comes to drawing a battery, you need to combine two or more cells together. Ensure that you connect the positive terminal of one cell with the negative terminal of the next cell. Further, you will study the heating effect of current. According to it, when electric charges flow through a wire, the wire gets heated. 

Along with the heating effect, the wire also acts as a magnet. One can prepare an electromagnet by wrapping a current-carrying coil made of insulated wire around a piece of iron. 

List of Topics in “Electric Current and Its Effects”

  1. Symbols of Electric Components
  2. Heating Effect of Electric Current
  3. Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
  4. Electromagnet
  5. Electric Bell

Chapter 15: Light

Introduction: Recall an activity from NCERT Class 6 Science textbook, where you could see a lighted candle through a straight pipe but not through a bent pipe. This experiment shows that light travels in a straight line. 

When we stand in front of a mirror, we are able to see our reflection in it as the mirror changes the direction of light that falls on it. This change of direction by a mirror is called a reflection of light. As a result, the image is formed behind the mirror, whereas you will be the object. 

The image you see in the mirror will be upright. Such an image formed by a plane mirror is erect and appear the same size as that of the object. When you raise your right hand, you can see the left hand raised in the mirror. Likewise, on raising your left hand, you will see the right hand raised in the mirror. This is called a lateral inversion. 

When you place an object in front of a concave mirror, the image formed is erect, magnified and virtual. Placing an object in front of a convex mirror leads to the formation of an erect and virtual image. 

A convex lens acts as a magnifying glass as it can make the objects look bigger. On the other hand, a concave lens helps us to see a smaller image of an object kept in front of it. On completing this chapter, you can attempt NCERT exercise questions framed from the concepts mentioned below. 

List of Topics in “Light”

  1. Light Travels along a Straight Line
  2. Reflection of Light
  3. Lateral Inversion
  4. Playing with Spherical Mirrors
  5. Images Formed by Lenses
  6. Sunlight- White or Coloured?

Chapter 16: Water: A Precious Resource

Introduction: Water is an essential resource for the survival of living organisms. Earth is the only planet to have water in all three forms, which are solid, liquid and gas. The process of the water cycle is responsible for maintaining the water balance in the atmosphere. 

Due to the ever-growing population, the demand for water has increased many folds. Other factors contributing to water scarcity include the establishment of a large number of industries, growing irrigation and agricultural requirements, and wastage. 

Over-consumption of water must be avoided, especially overdrawing from groundwater as misusage has led to depletion in the level of groundwater. Rainwater harvesting is the best practice to store water for later consumption. 

In NCERT Solutions of Class 7 Science Chapter-16, you can get to know the best practices for recharging the level of groundwater. It also features the factors responsible for the depletion of the water table. These are the two most important questions of this chapter. 

List of Topics in “Water: A Precious Resource”

  1. How Much Water is Available?
  2. Forms of Water
  3. Groundwater as an Important Source of Water
  4. Depletion of Water Table
    1. Increasing Population
    2. Increasing Industries
    3. Agricultural Activities
  5. Distribution of Water
  6. Water Management
  7. Effect of Water Scarcity on Plants

Chapter 17: Forests: Our Lifeline

Introduction: Forests provide life-support to all living organisms that exist on Earth. It comprises animals, microorganisms and plants. Homosapiens used to live in forests who gradually developed themselves into civilians. In the case of vegetation, trees occupy the uppermost layer, followed by shrubs and herbs. 

All these three layers provide food and shelter for animals, birds, and insects. Organisms living in the forest are interdependent on one another for their survival. The density of forests keeps changing depending upon the climatic conditions and human activities. 

Reduction in the density of forests could lead to soil erosion and ultimately floods. Also, forests are home to various forest dwellers. Afforestation should be practiced by each one of us to improve climatic conditions, water balance, and air quality. 

List of Topics in “Forests: Our Lifeline”

  1. Canopy
  2. Crown
  3. Decomposers
  4. Deforestation
  5. Humus
  6. Regeneration
  7. Seed Dispersal
  8. Soil Erosion
  9. Understorey

Chapter 18: Wastewater Story

Introduction: As you have read in chapter-18, you should avoid over-consumption of water to prevent water scarcity in future. One of the best practices to conserve water is to reuse wastewater. In this chapter, you will come to know how wastewater is produced and its treatment for reconsumption. 

Sewage is a liquid waste, which is produced after we carry out day-to-day tasks at home, industries, and agricultural fields. Wastewater is supplied through sewage pipes for treatment in a sewage treatment plant. 

In the treatment plant, all the pollutants are disposed-off to a level which nature can take care of. Wastewater is said to be treated completely when sludge and biogas have been completely removed. 

List of Topics in “Wastewater Story”

  1. Water- Our Lifeline
  2. Sewage
  3. Treatment of Polluted Water
  4. Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)
  5. Better Housekeeping Practices
  6. Sanitation and Disease
  7. Alternative Arrangement for Sewage Disposal
  8. Sanitation at Public Places

Benefits of NCERT Class 7 Science Solutions

The CBSE Class 7 Science Solutions made available by Gradeup school are developed to clear the doubts of the students instantly. Each and every topic is explained in detail to help students understand the topics. Moreover, the CBSE 7th Class Science Textbook Solutions are engaging, simple and tailored specifically for the students of class 7. Given below are some of the most useful benefits that you can experience by opting to study with the help of NCERT Class 7 Science Book Solutions.

  • The detailed explanation of solutions fosters a better understanding of concepts.
  • Simple and easy to understand solutions for quick learning.
  • Illustrations and diagrams are given for easy understanding of the concepts.
  • The offered CBSE class 7 science solutions come with zero error.
  • Developed by expert professionals in an easy to understand language.
  • Students can access our CBSE 7th class science solutions anytime anywhere.
  • Available for free of cost and without any charges.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the chapters that are covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science?

    NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science are prepared by expert science teachers, according to the latest syllabus released by CBSE for class 7. Therefore, such solutions include every chapter that is there in the book.

  • How to Study with the help of NCERT Class 7 Science Solutions?

    To derive maximum benefit from the NCERT Class 7 Solutions, students are advised to practice each and every question thoroughly. Make sure to solve as many questions and this way you can perform better in the CBSE Class 7 Science exam.

  • Are the NCERT Solutions for the 7th Class Science enough for annual exams?

    Yes, the NCERT Solutions along with NCERT textbooks are enough for preparing for class 7 Science exam.

  • Are NCERT Class 7 Science Solutions useful for students of other boards?

    The majority of the state boards follow the more or less similar syllabus for Class 7 Science subject. So, in light of this fact, students can always practice NCERT Solutions for Class 7 science to strengthen their base and develop a better understanding of the complex concepts.

    As the syllabus of science subject in CBSE has advanced in the last few years, students find it tough to prepare each topic in a proper manner. Therefore, it is a good idea to take the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science to prepare for the annual exam.