Q. 84.6( 12 Votes )
‘Industrial activ
Answer :
Industries contribute majorly to economic development but also contribute to environmental degradation. When the industries are being started there starts the impact on environmental degradation. There are many ways in which industries contribute to environment degradation, they are
Industrial development will increase the different types of pollution.
• Air pollution
When the industries are being increased, there will be a huge increase in the emission of smoke, ash, and gas. This increases the concentration of different particulate matter in the atmosphere including carbon monoxide that depletes the ozone layer.
• Water pollution
The discharge of the harmful chemicals and untreated sewage into the river system results in water pollution. the pollutants can have serious consequences in the environment.
• Sound pollution
The heavy industries such as mining and quarrying that produces heavy sounds can have harmful effects in the wildlife ecosystem. This affects their hunting behavior and another natural process.
When the industries are being started, they will require a vast area of land. The indiscriminate felling of trees not just affects the rainfall and capacity of the land but also renders much organism shelterless.
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‘Industrial activ
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