JEE Mains Chemistry Chapter-wise Weightage
Know chapter-wise weightage for JEE Mains Chemistry in detail here. Chemistry is divided into three sections- Physicsl, Organic & Inorganic.

Chemistry can be an asset in JEE Main if you are good at it. It helps you to fetch more marks in lesser time. If you have a good bonding with the subject, you can solve the chemistry part in half-an-hour. Working hard on this subject will definitely give you the fruitful result, it can help you to score more in JEE marks as well as All India Ranking (AIR). Some question in JEE Main Syllabus is such that you don’t even need to uplift your pen, you just need to tick the answer. This is the reason why chemistry is considered really scoring in JEE Main.
Let me give you the overview of some of the important topics in chemistry-
- INORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Chemical Bonding and the periodic table – almost all the concept in chemistry revolve around the bond formation, bond breaking, and periodicity. If you study these topics (Chemical bonds and periodic properties), chemistry will become an easy subject for you.
- ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: - The most important topic you need to keep in your mind as to how carbonyl groups react and their mechanism. Study polarization of carbonyl compounds very well. Hydrogen group, Halogen group, Carbon group and physical properties of an organic group are other important topics you must cover nicely.
- PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: Redox Reaction, Mole concept, and their equivalents, Solid states, gas theory, Thermochemistry, thermodynamics. Focus on these chapters as numerical questions are asked and you have to apply proper formulae/logic and give time to solve these types of problems. This part of chemistry requires hard work and regular practice. By heart, the formulae and maintain separate notes for these concepts.
NCERT book is the highly recommended book for chemistry preparation in JEE Main 2020 exam. Solve as many mock papers as you can. Chemistry questions are short and will not take much time. Only physical chemistry requires calculation work. Questions from the rest of the section are mostly concept based. So, maintain proper notes and revise key points. Devote time to this subject, you can score well and boost your rank.
Now, given below is a detailed JEE Main Exam analysis of previous year papers for Chemistry section and a weightage of all the chapters. Also listed are the most important topics to cover in each unit.
Unit-wise Weightage of JEE Main Chemistry
Chemistry is always classified into 3 broad categories:
- Physical Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
Given below is the weightage of these units based on the analysis of JEE Main question papers of the past 5 years.
Chapter-wise Weightage of Physical Chemistry
Most of the chapters of Physical Chemistry are in Class XI, however, the weightage is equally distributed over both the classes. The values given in the chart are the overall weightage out of 120 marks.
CHAPTER | WEIGHT (Out of 120 Marks) |
Basic Concepts | 2.33 |
Atomic Structure | 3.33 |
States of Matter & Solutions | 7.33 |
Thermodynamics | 3.67 |
Equilibrium | 3.33 |
Redox & Electrochemistry | 2.67 |
Chemical Kinetics | 3.33 |
Surface Chemistry | 5.67 |
The most important topics are:
- Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- Laws of Chemical Combination
- Mole concept & Stoichiometry
- Atomic Structure
- Dual nature of Radiation
- Atomic Spectra
- Bohr's Model for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-like species
- Quantum Mechanical Model: Orbitals and Quantum Numbers
- States of Matter (Gases, Liquids & Solids)
- Gas Laws
- Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
- Real Gas behaviour and Liquefaction of gases
- Crystal Lattice and Unit cells
- Close packed structures and voids
- Defects in Solids
- Solutions
- Solutions: Types and Concentration
- Vapour Pressure of a solution and Raoult's law
- Colligative properties of Solutions & Van't Hoff factor
- Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry
- Enthalpy and Heat capacity
- Enthalpy change of Various types of reactions
- Gibb's energy and Spontaneity
- Equilibrium
- Law of Chemical equilibrium and equilibrium constant
- Factors affecting equilibrium: Le Chatelier's Principle
- Acids, Bases and Concept of pH
- Hydrolysis of Salts and Buffer solutions
- Solubility and Solubility product of sparingly soluble salts
- Redox & Electrochemistry
- Redox Reactions: Types and Concept of Oxidation Number
- Galvanic Cells: features and Electrode Potential
- Conductance of Electrolytic Solutions
- Electrolytic cells and Products of electrolysis
- Chemical Kinetics
- Rate, Order and Molecularity of a reaction
- Integrated rate equations and Half-life
- Arrhenius Equation
- Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions (Fission & Fusion)
- Surface Chemistry
- Adsorption: Mechanism, Types and Isotherms
- Catalysis
- Colloids and Emulsions: Classification and Properties
Chapter-wise Weightage of Inorganic Chemistry
The best book for Inorganic Chemistry is the NCERT. That is the only book you need to prepare for all the Engineering entrance exams as far as Inorganic Chemistry is concerned. You could use more advanced reference books for further clarity wherever required, but do keep in mind that all the questions in this section are asked from that 1 book only. Let's check the weight of the chapters in this category.
Chapter | Weight (Out of 120 Marks) |
Classification of Elements & Periodicity | 3.00 |
Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure | 7.33 |
Hydrogen & S Block Elements | 4.33 |
P Block Elements | 5.67 |
D and F Elements | 8.33 |
Coordination Compounds | 5.00 |
The most important topics are:
- Classification of Elements
- Modern periodic table and Electronic configuration of Elements
- Periodic Trends in Properties of Elements
- Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure
- Ionic and Covalent Bonding and Bond parameters
- VSEPR Theory
- Valence bond theory and Hybridization
- Molecular Orbital theory
- Hydrogen & S Block Elements
- Hydrides
- Water and Hydrogen peroxide: structure and properties
- General Characteristics of Compounds of S block elements
- Anomalous Properties of the First Element
- Important Compounds of S block elements
- P Block Elements
- General Trends in Physical and Chemical Properties of Elements
- General trends in the Properties of Compounds of P block elements
- Important Compounds of Boron, Carbon, and Silicon
- Allotropes and Important Compounds of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulphur
- Important Compounds of Halogens and their properties
- Extraction of Metals
- Processes of extraction of Metals from their ores
- Thermodynamic and Electrochemical principles of metallurgy
- D & F Block Elements
- General Trends in Physical and Chemical Properties of the Transition Elements
- Important compounds of Transition Elements
- Coordination Compounds
- IUPAC Nomenclature and Isomerism of Coordination compounds
- Werner's theory, Valence bond theory & Crystal field theory
- Practical Chemistry
- Acids Bases and the Use of Indicators, Oxalic-Acid Vs KMnO₄, Mohr's Salt Vs KMnO₄
- Chemical Principles Involved in the Qualitative Salt Analysis
- Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of Organic Compounds
Chapter-wise Weightage of Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry is considered to be the rank decider for JEE Main Exam. Anyone who is very comfortable with Organic chemistry always has an extra edge over others. Let's take a look at the weight of these chapters.
Chapter | Weight (Out of 120 Marks) |
Basic Principles | 6.33 |
Hydrocarbons and Its Substituents (Halides) | 6.33 |
O containing Compounds | 8.33 |
N containing Compounds | 3.00 |
Biomolecules & Polymers | 5.67 |
Environmental and Everyday-life Chemistry | 1.67 |
The most important topics in these chapters are:
1. Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
- Structure and Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
- Structural and Stereoisomerism in Organic Compounds
- Electronic Displacement Effects in Covalent Bonds
2. Hydrocarbons & Halides
- Structure, Physical and Chemical Properties of Alkanes, Alkenes & Alkynes, Benzene, Haloalkanes & Haloarenes
3. Oxygen-containing compounds
- Alcohols, Phenols & Ether: Structure, Physical and Chemical Properties
- Aldehydes and Ketones: Physical and Chemical Properties
- Carboxylic acids and their derivatives: Structure & Chemical properties
4. Nitrogen containing compounds
- Amines & Diazonium salts: Chemical properties
5. Biomolecules
- Monosaccharides: Structure, Physical and Chemical properties
- Proteins and Enzymes: Structure and properties
- Nucleic Acids: Structure and properties
6. Polymers
- Addition & Condensation Polymerisation: Mechanism and Examples
- Commercial Polymers
7. Chemistry in Everyday life
- Drugs: Classification and therapeutic Action
- Soaps and Detergents
8. Environmental Chemistry
- Atmospheric pollution and Control
- Water Pollution and Control
In the core chapters, you might notice that all the topics have been listed as most important. The reason is all those are actually very important and are interlinked. You cannot just study the reactions of alkenes without studying some reactions of alcohols and some reactions of halides. That's the positive as well as the negative part of organic chemistry depending on how you see it.
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