Q. 244.4( 17 Votes )

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Answer :

The social and political changes that took place all over Europe can be traced to the French Revolution. It gave the world the ideas of liberty and democratic which became an inspiring force for the political movements in the world in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The idea of Liberty expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen laid the foundation of a new social order. The ideals of freedom and liberty formed the basis of national sovereignty.

The idea of Equality led to the end of a society based on privileges. ‘All individuals have the same right’ became the new slogan for world politics.

The idea of Fraternity promotes the ideal of love, unity and cooperation among different sections of society.

Another great legacy of the French Revolution was the idea of nationalism. The French Revolution promoted the concept of ‘nationalist’ which inspired the people of Poland, Germany and Italy to establish nation-states in their countries. This concept played a great role in reshaping the boundaries of Europe and South America. Other new ideas were like abolition of serfdom, equal rights for women, etc. Even today, people get inspiration by the great ideals of the French Revolution.

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